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Keep in Mind:

//Advanced Query Concepts After you have mastered query fundamentals, you can explore these advanced query concepts for query solutions: - - - - -
Using Aggregate Functions in the Select List

Aggregate functions (such as SUM, AVG, COUNT, COUNT(*), MAX, and MIN) generate summary values in query result sets.

Grouping Rows With GROUP BY

The GROUP BY clause is used to produce aggregate values for each row in the result set.

Combining Results With UNION

The UNION operator allows you to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set.

Subquery Fundamentals

Conditional Data Processing Using CASE

The CASE function is used to evaluate several conditions and return a single value for each condition.

Parallel Queries

Summarizing Data

Simple Query Fundamentals

Basic query clauses:
Select list
FROM clause
WHERE clause
ORDER BY clause
JOIN clauses


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